14 January 2010


We're discussing trends in my online customer service class, and one of my classmates chose bad grammar and vocabulary as his topic (I chose roller coasters because I'm obsessive and I sometimes wonder how close to Asperger's I really am because, also - my social skills (scary stuff), but I digress). He talked about how "text talk" ("lol" "brb" "wtf" "bbq" etc.) and how, according to an article, today's teenagers have a vocabulary of about 800 words compared to the 10,000 they had before the advent of the Internet (is that true? anyone know for sure?) (have I done enough asides yet? Have I lost you?). Anyway, some other student responded with "Only 800 words? That sounds like the vocabulary of a small child, or a highly trained German shepherd," which is, eh, a solid B+, suburban neighborhood stand-up joke. Bravo, good for him. But then the teacher - THE TEACHER - responded with...

(...are you ready for this...)


Anyone know what the trend is in irony?


  1. > I sometimes wonder how close to Asperger's I really am

    "close" ?

  2. I think Asperger's is one of those things where if you think you have it you definitely don't.

  3. Haven't seen a "7 Quick Takes Friday" in a MONTH!

    Tens of people are disappointed. :(

  4. I'm sorry! I'm not stopping it, I've just been incredible busy. I'll be starting those up again either this week or next. Maybe I'll do a random Seven Quick Takes Monday or something to make up for it.

  5. OK...

    But only 'cuz we love you!
